8 Tips to Prepare Kids for a Photoshoot

Getting ready for a photoshoot with kids can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can prepare kids for a photoshoot and make it a fun experience for everyone involved. Whether you’re new to family photos or a seasoned pro, these 8 simple tips will help you keep things relaxed and set you up for success. From communicating with your photographer to keeping the kids entertained, here’s how to prepare kids for a photoshoot and make it memorable!

1) Let them know what to expect

In some cases, the fewer surprises the better. This is one them! Kids are going to feel less stressed going into a photo shoot if they have a general idea of what will happen. When you show up to a lifestyle photo shoot, you show up for an adventure. There will be running, there will be jumping, and you better freakin’ believe there will be laughing and having fun during the shoot together. Get ready for the most relaxed photo shoot of your life!

how to prepare kids for photoshoot. photo of two siblings holding hands and running through a prairie at sunset

2) Make sure they’re fed

This may seem like a no-brainer, but remember to have at least a small snack in their tummy before arriving. Nothing brings on a meltdown quicker than a child on an empty stomach. Feel free to bring snacks with you as well. There’s always time to break from photos if you need to hand out a small snack to keep them happy and energized.

portrait of brother and sister in a prairie, dressed for family photos

3) Keep them rested

Today is not the day to skip a nap. Remember, we want this entire experience to be enjoyable for the whole family. A rested child is a happy child!

preparing kids for photoshoot with mom and her two children smiling and laughing

4) Let them smile naturally

Parents – this is a big one. Refrain from telling them things like “smile better” or “don’t smile like that”. The last thing we want on photo day is for them to feel self conscious about how they look. The most effective way to get a real smile out of them is to genuinely make them laugh. Leave this one to the photographer. We gotchu!

portrait of girl with curly black hair and blue navy dress. She's smiling at the came4ra with a white bow in hair

portrait of boy with black hair and white button down collar shirt. Greenery seen in background/

5) Bribes and rewards

As much as we try to plan for a successful family photo shoot, sometimes we are going to have those days when the kids just don’t want to cooperate like you’d hope. We’re not above a good bribe, y’all. This might mean bringing along a special toy they love or promising the reward of an ice cream treat afterwards. Whatever trips their excitement, prepare to use it as an incentive to make for the smoothest photo session possible.

how to prepare kids for family photoshoot

6) Trust your photographer

As much as you’d like to step in and give direction to your family members, please resist the urge. We promise you, if you leave it in the hands of your photographer, you will be rewarded with gorgeous images and lasting memories.

prepare kids for photoshoot so session is relaxing. husband and wife laughing and smiling during outdoor lifestyle family photoshoot

black and white photo of husband and wife kissing in a prairie

family portraits of husband and wife

7) Arrive early

Aim for right around 10 minutes before your designated session time. If your session is being held at a new location, arriving early will give the kids a chance to peek around and get to know the area as well as chat with the photographer to give the kids a chance to warm up to us. When they feel at ease, they’ll appear much more relaxed in their photos as well.

playful photo of brother and sister on a footbridge in wisconsin during family photoshoot

8) Just roll with It

When it all comes down to it, we can’t expect everything to run 100% smooth during a photo shoot. Kids will be kids. Meltdowns may happen, pouting may happen. Not every child wants to participate, we get it! They may need some extra time warming up to the photographer if they’ve never met them before. Again, trust the guidance of your photographer during your session. They’ve had lots of experience with children of all temperaments.

family photography in Wisconsin

brother and sister dancing on footbridge during lifestyle family photoshoot

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